So here is Ben's foot. Sunday night he had a little incident and this is the result. Ben is such an active little guy and quite frankly we are surprised he hasn't broken anything sooner. We just had to laugh because it was such an innocent thing that caused this. He was running to the bathroom and he misjudged where the door was and smashed it either on the door or the door jamb. I'm still not sure which. He did a lot of screaming and after using the bathroom (finally) we elevated and iced it. I figured he would be good to go the next day because there was no bruising and it wasn't swelling.
The next morning he woke up and took two steps and he fell on his face. He still could not put any weight on it. I took him to the clinic and then x-rays and sure enough he broke it. So now he is in a beautiful little blue cast and even though he can get frustrated at times he is in good spirits.
The first night he asked me how we take it off so he could go to bed. And then last night he asked if could take it off tomorrow. At this point it has only been 4 days not the 4 weeks he needs.
He is adapting amazingly well and gets around just as fast as he did before (however his knees are starting to really bother him from all the crawling). My arms are getting stronger than ever because I have to carry him whenever we leave the house. It makes me very grateful that he is such a healthy boy and that this too will pass.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Building Arm Muscles
Posted by Hilary Bergen at 9:29 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I don't look as forward to halloween as I used to even though the kids seem to enjoy it a lot more now that they are older. Perhaps I'm just being a fuddy duddy but it seems like too much work. I thought I had gotten away with not having to carve any pumpkins this year but Friday morning rolled around and Ben said "So are we making our pumpkins today?" I couldn't say no to my little 4 year old so we searched around all morning looking for pumpkins (who knew they were so hard to find if you leave it to the last minute?) We settled on these squash type things that looked an awful lot like pumpkins and so began my morning of carving pumpkins. I suppose when the kids get older it will be better because right now I do all the work. Ben thought the inside of the "pumpkin" was gross so he scooped a couple spoonfuls out and said he had had enough. He drew a picture on a paper and I was supposed to copy it. Successful??? He thought so. Here are the results.So what about costumes you say? Well my husband dressed up for work and he went all out and was Mario. He looked pretty good if I do say so myself. Hannah was Dorothy from Wizard of Oz complete with a basket carrying her little Toto. Ben was Optimus Prime the leader of the Autobots from the Transformers. We ended up going to Northview's Pumpkin Patch Carnival which was great. Ben was exhausted after about an hour so we headed home and then Hannah and I went trick or treating for a while. They ended up with way too much candy but Marc and I will help out with that. All in all it was pretty uneventful but I guess that is what we wanted. Did the kids have fun? Yes... even Marc.
Posted by Hilary Bergen at 8:35 AM 2 comments
The other day my husband came home with two dozen red roses for me. Reason? None, except he loves me. Isn't that sweet?
Posted by Hilary Bergen at 8:32 AM 1 comments