The interesting and not so interesting tidbits from the Bergen household.
Posted by Hilary Bergen at 2:06 PM 2 comments
When do we get on the plane?
Sit back and relax.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Are we almost there?
We have to go get our bags.
The van will be here soon.
Welcome to our home for the next week.
You can go swimming later.
No, we can't go to Disneyland until tomorrow.
No, we want you to look around before you spend all your money.
It's time to go to sleep.
We're too excited.
It's only 6:30....go back to sleep.
We're too excited...we are too...come jump in our bed.
Stop, we need to take a family picture.
Let's take the train so we can see everything.
Wow, there's no line-up.
Let's do it again.
We need a snack.
Can we have a churro?
I'm thirsty.
We have to do that ride again.
I'm never doing that ride again.
Can we have another churro?
That was awesome!
Can we buy some mickey ears?
Can we go see mickey?
This is a long line.
That long line was worth it.
I'm hungry.
My legs are tired.
That was an incredible show.
More Laughter!
Look, there's Goofy.
Can we go to California Adventure now?
How does this camera work?
Where's Donald Duck?
I'm soaking wet.
That was an incredible experience.
I am not going on that ride.
Can we get another churro?
I'm thirsty.
Can you hold my jacket?
That was really fun.
Look, there's Buzz Lightyear.
I'm cold.
I'm too hot.
Thanks for taking us here.
Get us off this ride.
Let's do it again and again and again.
We're exhausted.
My ear hurts.
Crying! Pain
Are we home yet?
Hospital visit...Medication...no more pain.
Forget pain....Only remember good stuff
Can we go back again soon????
Of course....5 years....ok....maybe 3.....or sooner!
Or....when we need another churro fix.
Posted by Hilary Bergen at 10:30 PM 2 comments