Thursday, June 12, 2008

My unhealthy home!

Right now I am praying that I am immune to everything going on in my home. Who should we start with? Ben. He has allergy problems. On my way home from work today it looked like it was snowing with all the white fluff blowing around. It's no wonder Ben's eyes get so puffed up and goopy that he looks like he's gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson. Hannah. She came home early from school yesterday feeling yucky. She has an ear infection, stinging eyes and she just feels not quite right. Thankfully Marc stayed home with the kids yesterday so I could go to work. Which brings me to my wonderful husband. Marc. He has come down with this headachey flu thing where he can barely move. He has no energy and has taken today off and will take tomorrow off work as well. That leaves me. I think I'm healthy. I feel alright. Please, oh please don't let me get it. I have to do the wrap up to Sunday School this weekend and VBS is right around the corner. Hopefully my family will be back in order by the weekend so that Marc and the rest of us can enjoy Father's Day together.


Kerry said...

Wow...that sucks. We definitely need a girls weekend away. Where to? You decide and I'll meet you there. :) Hope they're all feeling better now!