Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to school

So my little boy started to school today (well sort of). It was basically an info day for parents but it was so cute to see Ben lined up with his classmates and quietly walking through the hallway. He's going to do well. He had his interview with the teacher and I think he figures Kindergarten will be pretty cool. He is very blessed with a wonderful teacher that has tons of energy. Hopefully when it finally starts (next week) there won't be too many tears (from me of course).

Hannah, of course, is turning into a young lady before our eyes and was so excited about today. She is in a 3/4 split and is so excited about all the things she is going to learn this year. She has a great teacher as well (she actually had her one day a week in Kindergarten). Looks like it's going to be a great year for both of them.


Ali said...

So glad to hear that they both had a great day! They look so cute in their back to school outfits :)

Kerry said...

I wish schools were good here...I'd love for our kids to go to a good school and look forward to going to school. Here, school is a negative experience for the most part. Hannah and Ben look great...Hannah looks more and more like a little lady every year.

Mrs.Unger said...

Ben is SO hard to teach... NOT. Thank you, BTW.