Monday, January 11, 2010

Beautiful January Day

Yesterday after church we decided to have some lunch and then go for a walk. Marc and I both went to camp as kids and we have been thinking about sending Hannah to Stillwood this summer so we thought we'd drive up and take a look (Hannah and Marc had never seen it before). We walked around a bit and Hannah got a sense of what it would be like. I think she is pretty excited so I guess we had better register her soon and put the plan in motion.

After Stillwood we drove back to Cultus Lake and walked around. It was such a beautiful afternoon you would never know it was January. I was wearing a vest and was perfectly warm enough without a jacket. Of course Marc had his camera along so he took a bunch of pictures. I wanted him to take some of the two of us but with kids jumping in and out of the picture it was quite hilarious. Here is one of my favourite outakes. Obviously it is a lousy picture, but I love Ben and how his personality shines through in this picture.


Ali said...

How fun! Going to camp was always an awesome experience. I'm sure Hannah will love it.